Azeemi Model School

Pursuing Excellence



Absences create a break in learning and a child falls behind in class. Although, teachers will try to make up lost work with the child it is important that parents take an active role in helping children cover lost work. Teachers will be more than willing to help.

Absence for reasons other than illness requires written application in advance by parents. In case of illness, parents must inform the school immediately. For absence of more than 3 days, a doctor’s certificate must be submitted. Absence from school more than 5 days without notification may result in the cancellation of admission. If the length or recurrence of absence is considered to seriously hamper the student’s progress, he/she may be asked to be withdrawn.

Please encourage your child to be present everyday unless he/she is ill. Notify the school when your child is absent. A written excuse from the parent must be presented to the school the day the child returns to school from an absence.


Late arrivals disrupt the classes and warning notes that go home embarrass the child un-necessary. Please make sure that children are inside the gates of the school at 7:45 am.


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