Azeemi Model School

Pursuing Excellence

Art and Craft Activities for Kids

Kids love Art & Craft activities and is a great way to spend time with your kids while educating them at the same time. All Kids Network has done a great work to collect Art & Craft activities and their step by step guide on how to do them. We hope, you would enjoy these activities with your kids.

Click here to visit All Kids Network.

Tags: #Art, #Craft, #School, #Mansehra, #Pakistan

Red Day

Red Day Event has fulfilled its main purpose of reinforcing the concept of red colour. Children also enjoyed the event, particularly the photography session. Some collegues have forwarded their valuable suggestions for improving the event, which will be incorporated in the next event.

Let me thank all my colleagues who extended their hand of cooperation in managing and making a successful red day event.



Tags: #Activities, #Events, #School, #Mansehra, #Pakistan

Welcome Back to School!

WelcomeIt’s that time again, already: Back to school! Whether you’re already in the swing of things or just starting your year out, we want to welcome you to the new school year.

Hopefully everyone had a great Winter. We have put together a recap of important concepts/ideas which you have already learnt in your previous class.

Hope, you will enjoy your stay at Azeemi Model School.

Tags: #School, #Mansehra, #Pakistan, 

Colour Maze | An Educational Game for Kids

Colour, Maze, Educational, Game, Kids, Mansehra, Pakistan, SchoolColour Maze Game is an interesting game for Kids. It is a simple and fun game for Pre – School Children. Important instructions are given below:

  • Click on ‘Start’.
  • Listen and click on the colours you hear, to go through the maze.
  • Click on ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ to finish.
  • You win more points for each correct answer.
  • You win more points for going fast!
  • Click on ‘Play again’ to start a new game.

//Credits: Oxford University Press.

Tags: #School, #Education, #Games, #Mansehra, #Pakistan

Pre - Primary School Teacher’s Training

Staff TrainingTraining Sessions of Pre – Primary School teacher’s are scheduled from March 3, 2014 to March 6, 2014. These training sessions are compulsory for all teachers.

Tags: #School, #Training, #Mansehra, #Pakistan

Spring Vacations!

Dear Parents,

School will remain close from 1st March to 6th March 2014 for Spring Vacations. School will reopen on March 7, 2014 for the new session (2014 – 15).
Staff of the Azeemi Model School will be on duty during these vacations.

Tags: #School, #Spring, #Vacations, #Mansehra, #Pakistan

Pre-School New Oxford Social Studies | Teacher’s Guide (Oxford)

New Oxford Social Studies for Pakistan is an interesting and complete social studies course for Nursery and Prep Classes. This highly popular series is now revised in response to user demands.

New Oxford Social Studies for Pakistan (Nursery & Prep) can be downloaded from following links here.

Tags: #Teacher #Guide, #Science, #School, #Mansehra, #Pakistan