Azeemi Model School

Pursuing Excellence


Admission will be confirmed after clearing fee bill and receipt of the following:

For Fresh Admission

  • Parent’s / Guardian’s CNIC Copy
  • Birth Certificate of the Child
  • Two 1”x1” sized latest photographs of the student

For Migrating Students

  • Parent’s / Guardian’s CNIC Copy
  • Two 1”x1” sized latest photographs of the student
  • School Leaving Certificate
  • Last Progress Report

On receipt of paid fee bill, parents are given:

  1. Admission Order (original)
  2. Book and Stationary List
  3. Uniform List
  1. Fees are charged for all twelve months of the year and are payable every month in advance. Dues are payable by 5th of every month.
  2. Parents have the option to pay the fee on monthly basis or in three equal monthly installments as mentioned below:
    • 1st Installment 1st March to 30th June (4 months)

    • 2nd Installment 1st July to 31st October (4 months)

    • 3rd Installment 1st November to 28th/29th February (4 months)

  1. Parents failing to pay the dues in time have to pay 10% penalty on their dues.
  2. The fees payable for the period of the summer and winter vacation are paid in advance and prior to closure.
  3. Once the fee bill has been issued, parents must pay the fees by the date specified on the fee bill.
  4. Students shall not be allowed to appear in the examination unless dues are paid.
  5. If the dues are not paid by the due date of second month, name of the student will be struck off from the school rolls and readmission will be administered. The school will formally intimate the parents that their ward's name has been struck off from the school rolls on non-payment of dues by the due date.
  6. Fees can be reviewed any time of the year and which can’t be challenged by parents/guardians.


The fees must be remitted through the safest and fastest means as follows: -

  1. The fees will be remitted to the designated Bank Account (mentioned on fee bill) of AMS by parents. Fees may also be paid in cash to the school Accountant.
  2. It will be the parents' own responsibility to obtain a proper receipt, particularly for the cash payment.


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